General Safe Practices
- Pre-session meetings will be held over the phone.
- Limit the number of staff in the studio during the session to one.
- No extended family to attend sessions.
- Any photographers that report feeling unwell will self isolate and session will be postponed.
- If a photographer is confirmed to have COVID-19, they will isolate for a minimum of 14 days and any close contacts are to monitor for symptoms and seek medical advice.
- Equipment being used for a shoot is cleaned prior to being used and after.
- Client/s are not to handle any of the photographer’s equipment – including loading in/out.
- Photographer will not assist in taking photos using another person’s camera/phone.
- Photographers will carry hand sanitiser.
- Hand sanitiser will be applied when photographers see fit. ie – after picking up an item.
Face Masks
- If social distancing can not be achieved safely then a face mask will be worn.
- You may request your photographer to wear a face mask, for the entirety of the session.
Record Keeping
- Using the CovidSafe App to keep track of movements around the community and be alerted if there have been any close contacts with positive cases.
- Keep records of photographer job movements.